Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Now that I have made it out the other side of the interview, I am meeting with Pastor Mark Kelley from Vancouver. Him and I are meeting and working together on my development in preaching, education and team leadership. I have been preaching at my home church, and at McKinley Hill Friends Church in South Tacoma.
In education, I am reading Slavery, Sabbath, War and Women by Willard Swartley, and it is looking pretty interesting. It is an interesting examination of how the dominant culture of our time can influence the way we approach and interpret the Bible. I have had experience in team leadership, and am waiting for an opportunity to continue developing as a leader, but don't want to force something since I know that God will provide the correct opportunity in His time. My next post will be about the book I am reading, and what insights I am gaining about what I am bringing in the way of preconceived notions to the bible and my faith.

Grace and Peace,
