Beloved Brothers and Sisters in
We have heard of your faithfulness and stand with you in the dangers you are facing. We affirm our love for you and also our material support through EFM. While we know you may suffer for your faithfulness, we also believe your witness to Christ, in submission to God, could further His Kingdom in ways beyond our knowing. We have been challenged to be willing to suffer for Christ, if required by the truth, because of your courage and example. May God be glorified in your witness and faithfulness; we stand with you in your time of trial.
As one body we offer first our loving prayers. Though great distance separates us, we are close, even one, through Jesus. You are not alone! We commit our voices, alongside yours, to our Lord Jesus.
Secondly, we would like to encourage you to live Christ’s teaching to love your enemies and do good to those who are persecuting you. (Matthew 5:44) We will continue to pray for you and your persecutors. Our prayers are that your Christlike example will convict the hearts of your persecutors and that Christ’s peace will rest upon you regardless of your current trials. We would also like to remind you of the faithfulness of Jesus to restore us even when we fall, and know that we are praying for your brothers and sisters who have fallen away through this persecution.
As a final word of encouragement, “May the Lord make your love overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you. May He strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all His Holy Ones.” I Thessalonians 3:12-13
With Love and Hope,
Your Brothers and Sisters in Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends
That was an awesome collaborative effort. We who worked on it felt the Spirit guiding us with words of comfort.
The finale on Thursday was the celebration banquet. We enjoyed ourselves immensely, and were encouraged by the Superintendent's closing address. I enjoyed getting to meet folks, and am already looking forward to next year.